Make Sure The Cleaning Bids You Receive Are Streamlined For Ease And Accuracy.
The "Go To Bid Box" provides 3 informative documents for Facility, Property, and Office Managers. These tools are designed to expedite your side of the bidding process. Download this complimentary gift and make selecting your next cleaning contractor more straight forward.

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Inside The Go To Bid Box
Getting the right information requires asking the right questions. Especially when you are dealing with cleaning contractors. We have created 3 documents to help you improve accuracy when selecting the best candidate during a bidding process... or even improve the results from your current contractor.

SOW's can be riddled with overlooked problems due to the fact that they are outdated for a facilities current needs. In this guide we cover some of the best practices and thought provoking questions that can give fresh insight into what your scope should be.

Since so much has changed in the last year there could be new factors to consider when forecasting your budget. This Quick Sheet gives a few pointers on where to look and what to plan for.

When you start asking better questions you start getting better answers. Especially when it comes to defining cleaning results. Here you'll find 23 questions to improve your RFPs, selection process, and expectations of your current contractor.
You Won't Want To Miss Out On These Tools.
Enter Your Information Below And Click Download For Immediate Access.
American Cleaning Service has been providing superior building maintenance to Boise and the surrounding Treasure Valley area for 72 Years.
The Commercial Cleaning industry has moved away from what it should be. A person to person business. This is why we are commitmed to making a REAL DIFFERENCE from the moment we say hello.
The best way to do that is to use our expertise and provide value in advance.
This means that we are ready help you get the most out of your commercial cleaning services, even if we are not your current service provider.
What Matters Most To Us Is Making Your Job Easier